CAS update

November, 2022

The start of your project.
– Explain the steps that you have taken to start the project.

Matias and I have to decide that if we are starting off with a website or other online way that parents can access the babysitters. We also have to declare the ages of students that we will be recruiting in order to work our way with the salaries. Also somehow create this project trustful for the parents, maybe by, making a contract sheet for the parents interested in the service,the babysitters, and us as responsible.

– Explain what will be done this week to move the project forward.

We want to start off discussing how we are going to recruit the babysitters, decide which platform we should use to promote our service, and decide if we need a budget to start off.

– Explain an obstacle that you are encountering and how you will manage to overcome that obstacle.

We have to find the platform, Mati and I aren’t sure if we have to pay for the options. Also we have to somehow make meeting at some point with the candidates that want to be hired, so will have to think about that too. will have to check that the candidates are responsible and trustworthy student because after all, we can’t hire everyone, we want the most responsible and trustworthy students.

– Explain a success that you are feeling and how that is fueling motivation for the project. – Attach a piece of evidence to show your work.

Matias and I have done a good job filming and editing our video explaining our CAS Project. This video will be shown at CAS night and we hope that is informative enough for the parents of La Paz, Hoping they will show interest and taking us into consideration. – CAS video link


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