Creativity in my CAS project

In this journal entry I will be talking about what creativity is, how I express creativity and how I have used creativity in my CAS project. I believe that creativity is in everything. It is an expression of oneself through our passions. I see myself as a very creative person and I try to let my creativity influence the actions I take and decisions I make. Even when I get dressed in the morning I think creatively. I use my creativity the most when it comes to dance because I am passionate about it so it is fun to test the limits of my dancing and create new ways to move my body. It's also one of the reasons why I enjoy choreographing so much because I get to create something with dance that is so unique to me. I love teaching my choreographies even more because other people get to experience my creativity. Most of the time I feel more creative while working by myself. I feel that oftentimes when working with others you don't get to express the full creativity of the vision that you have for a certain project because you have to share and combine ideas. This is not a bad thing, it just requires less of my creativity as an individual. There is an exception however and it's when I'm working with Ava, my sister and also one of my teammates on this CAS project. We think similarly and we are comfortable with each other so it is much easier to share ideas and create something together. In the context of our project this is a good thing because it means that we are working together well but there are also three of us so we have to work together with Alexa. Even though I feel that I have more creative output when I'm alone, I have learned a lot of things by working with Ava and Alexa that have expanded my creativity and forced me to keep an open mind. In the CAS project we all have worked creatively by choreographing dances for the juniors and even before that for the end of year show that Elevate had. Creativity is a big part of our project because we are working with dance which is an art. We will continue to work creatively when we start to design a stage for the school.

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