Discuss what you have done in the last 2 weeks to move your project forward.

These past two weeks we have done a lot with our project, from making to having our first babysitting night. While we were doing our ad for the wednesday newsletter, we had our first job with nine kids. This was perfect because we could start by giving jobs to more than only one student. We were very committed to starting the CAS experience and to be able to start the project. Samantha and I were very excited when Miss Kerry told us about the job she found for us. This was a great moment because we could see how the project was going to work out and, even more, we were very happy because we saw the project working and families actually reaching out to us and actually asking for the service. 

After Miss Kerry told us about the job I went out and chose the students that we would send because I felt like I knew what to do and who to choose. While I did that and chose Amila, Diego and Thaj, Samantha stayed and finished the ad. There is when we found out what we were better at. I gave my number to Miss Kerry and her friends with the kids, communicated with the students and made sure that they would come on time and everything that they needed to do. Meanwhile, samanth decided to finish the ad and send it to the school so that they would publish it. It’s important to know what you are good at while these activities are being done. Thanks to that we were able to initiate the CAS project. Hopefully the project will continue doing as great as it did last Sunday because we had great feedback from the students participating and the parents. It feels incredible that we were able to send students already because it did not feel like this was going to be achieved this soon.

Created By: Baby Sitting Güilas

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