JE (27/11/22)

Identify own strengths and areas of growth - Día de mascaradas   When planning Día de mascaradas I was filled with many emotions and thoughts about all the work Kenya and I had to get done for the night of the event. We both felt anxious, worried, stressed, scared, nervous, excited, and somehow motivated, just to mention some of the feelings we had during the planning of this event. These emotions and thoughts had me questioning many times if I had made a mistake by taking over this project. Día de mascaradas had not been celebrated for about three years and we wanted to make sure its comeback would be memorable for the La Paz community. We had to keep too many factors in mind while planning the event if we wanted to achieve this. We had to figure out who wanted to volunteer for chaperones, food donations, candy, prizes, music, and activities. Many times I felt like the end result was not going to meet our expectations, especially during the week of the event when we had to rush with the letters for parents and teachers to support our event. The only thing that kept me motivated while planning Día de mascaradas was the thought of seeing the school all together again, the idea of bringing back the joy this event used to create in people. Kenya and I wanted to make sure this night was going to bring nostalgic memories to everyone, especially families and students who have been part of the La Paz community for many years, we couldn’t let our negative thoughts slow us down. Although the planning was quite stressful and we doubted many times our potential as event planners, the night of the event was very successful and enjoyed by the entire community. Hearing all the positive feedback and comments from parents made us both feel very proud of all our work and effort. Although there were some areas where we could've done better, we still got to make this night a memorable one for the community and for ourselves. If there's anything I learned about myself during this process, I would say it is my ability to work collaboratively with others and to stay organized. I have used both of these abilities many times before, but I have never been more proud of them until now. They really helped me to keep everything under control and to make sure Kenya and I were always on the same page the whole time we worked together. Next time I take over the responsibility of planning an event, I would like to work on trusting myself more and working hard to achieve my goals, this would really help me feel less doubtful of my abilities to succeed at anything in life, not just planning an event.

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