Update: Journal Entry #22 Creativity or Activity
Journal Entry #22 Creativity or Activity
What does it mean to be creative?
Being creative means thinking in ways nobody thinks. In this concept, I understand it as doing things in a totally different way than others it means being unique and different.
What is your favorite way to express your creative side? What do you like about it?
My favorite way to express my creativity is in my way to play soccer. I feel that I express my feeling through my movement and skill. My best way of expression is in the style of playing.
What do you do when you get an idea?
When I get an idea I normally think about it in my head first then I continue to write it down in my CAS notebook. Normally I don't get a lot of new ideas I just follow my path in the project that I started 2 trimesters ago.
Do you feel more creative by yourself or when you work with others? Why do you think this is?
I feel more creative when I am with other classmates or teammates because I get inspired by them and they get inspired by me, so it is a way for me to expand my creativity with others. This is also a great way for my mind to flow and continue to progress in a creative way.
How have you shown creativity in you CAS project? How can you use that to promote your project to others?
I have used creativity in my CAS project by adding new uniforms for my teams. I had added new forms of playing, more specifically I have shown new styles and techniques to my teammates and my teammates have shown me new things. I have also made things very original like training on the beach, bbq, and other events to build up the team building at the same time the team practices and gets better. This has promoted my project to others because every time there are more people joining the time every time they are more movement and more games. So I actually feel like I am doing something different. Not only is a thinking but people are telling me something is challenging in good ways.