July 27, 2019 – Jimena CAS Summer Entry

I don’t consider myself a very creative person. In fact, creativity is always something I’ve struggled with since a child, I just simply couldn’t relate to my friend on how they could simply create something beautiful from scratch whilst I was still struggling on finding an idea and where to start.

My experience with creativity thus far has been interesting. This summer I decided to take a make-up course where I learn the different types of brushes, techniques, and how to apply make-up on myself. On this course, I learned so many new things I didn’t learn before and not only make-up wise but I also learnt how to treat my skin and how to identify different types of skin (i.e. oily, dry, etc).

Towards the end of the class, the teacher told us we’d have to incorporate everything we have learned thus far onto ourselves, meaning that I’d have to incorporate my [almost non-existent] artistic skills on applying different eye shadows. In the beginning, it was simply covering all of the “imperfections” like applying concealer, foundation, base (in Spanish), etc.

Later, it was the contour, the blush, highlight, and more. Then was eyebrows and lashes (pretty simple might I say). Then, came the most difficult part…the eyes. The teacher gave everyone different palettes and I received the Morphe x James Charles palette. Immediately I felt overwhelmed with the abundance of colours that were given to me, I didn’t even know where to start. In the end, I decided to go for a juvenile look by adding different tones of red, orange, and brown.

In conclusion, this experience was without a doubt very fun because not only did I learn many different things but I also got to apply them on myself. The final result definitely left me happy and proud, I did a pretty good job.

Learning Outcomes:
Undertaken new challenges: Never in my life have I done any sort of professional make-up whatsoever, therefore, doing this for the first time in my life was a new challenge that I was willing to take if it leads me to learn new things in life.

Engaged with issues of global importance: Beauty is something that young girls mostly struggle with a lot around the world, therefore, taking a class that not only showed me how to enhance my inner beauty it also taught me the beauty is skin deep that it’s not only superficial. And that rather than covering the things that make us “ugly” we should enhance them because they make us who we are and don’t make us “ugly” whatsoever.

IB Learner Profile:
Reflective: It helped me reflect that experimenting with beauty doesn’t make us narcissistic or insecure, in fact, it helps us identify who we are and enhance our beautiful features.

Knowledgeable: This experience definitely made me more knowledgeable insofar as beauty-related topics.

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