Planning and initiating #2

What are the goals of your project? Our first goal is figuring out if the stage project is feasible. The stage project is something that we had thought up at the beginning of our CAS journey. We wanted to be able to propose a stage to the school and then help them with the logistics of building it. This project has been pushed aside while we have been working on our other two projects but now that we are almost done with our solo project and we want to lower the work for the Cepia project we can now re-think the stage project. 

The second goal is to prepare our solos with the juniors for competition. This will require us to practice every week with them until we leave. This is an ongoing project that we are almost done with. We just need to continue working hard with them for the next couple weeks till competition. 

Deciding if the Cepia project is possible for us at the moment. I enjoyed the Cepia project alot and I feel that I benefited from teaching dance to the kids in the classes. Initially the project was supposed to be for a short time but our mentor had an interest in continuing it. All of our schedules are extremely busy and we have found it difficult to make the time to continue the project. For now our mentor Gaby is continuing it with them and we will go and help her whenever we have the time. 

What are the milestones that you will need to meet to obtain those goals?

As mentioned in the last question we want to figure out our stage project. The first milestone that we need to pass for this project is conducting a small feasibility study for the project. This feasibility study will determine whether we continue with the project or if we rethink our CAS plan and move forward with something else. This is the only milestone for this project at the moment because without the information that we receive from this feasibility study we won’t be able to set the other milestones that may come after, 

We need to keep constant communication with the school administration for the stage project and with Gaby (our mentor) and Cepia. 

We will have weekend rehearsals for solos. The showcase for our competition dances is on May 7th where the juniors get to perform their solos for the first time. And the last milestone would be competition on May 14 – 15.  

How will you know that you have succeeded?

For the stage project if we have a completed feasibility study with a clear answer telling us if we can do the project or not is when we know that we have succeeded. 

For the solos with the juniors we know we will have succeeded if the girls are prepared and feel confident with their solos and we have finished and clean choreography. We also need to make sure the costumes are ready and we have all of the necessities for their solos. 

We will have a clear plan for the stage and Cepia project and whether we are going to do them or not. 

What is needed this week to get you started? (marketing, meetings, emails, other communication, etc.)

Meet with Gaby about Cepia and solo rehearsals. 

Start feasibility study for stage.

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