Before starting a new project, you need a goal to keep yourself on track, to stay motivated, and to have something specific to work towards.
Revisit SMART goals
Remember when we first talked about SMART goals? If you need a quick refresher, check out this path again.
Project SMART goals
Set a timer for 3 minutes and write down as many dreams and goals you have for your project. Go wild with your ideas!
Once the timer goes off, pick your top 3 ideas that are achievable and super motivating for you.
Turn each of these ideas into SMART goals. Remember, you want your goal to be able to tell you when you reach it (for example: fundraise $1000, donate to 25 families). We call that an indicator of success!
Share your 3 goals with at least two cohort partners, adults, or friends. Ask them:
What challenges do they see for you to achieve this goal?
Is the goal a true SMART goal? (Explain what SMART goals are if they don’t know!)
Why do they think you’ll be successful with each goal?
After getting feedback, choose your final SMART goal you want to focus on for this project and post it on the path.