Hannah and Amy’s case study

Our case study:

Within the halls of their suburban high school, a group of students became acutely aware of a common challenge among their peers – academic struggles. Whether it was difficulty grasping certain subjects, managing workload stress, or lacking access to resources outside the classroom, many students were facing hurdles in their academic journey. Concerned about the impact on their peers’ confidence and future prospects, the group felt compelled to step in and offer support.

Our ideas:

Offer Tutoring from some of the upperclassmen.

  • Free tutoring after school for those that need it.
  • Create different categories for subjects and levels and find out the number of people needed.
  • Offer incentives to students for their time:
    • Food
    • Letters of Recommendation for university applications
    • The review will help reinforce material for tests and exams.
    • Meet new people
  • Raise money for scholarships and create a part time job for some of the tutors.
  • Create a group of kids that don’t only meet for studying. There could be training sessions, mindfulness training, group studying times with more food. 🙂
  • Have a couple roles for students that want to manage the process and give scheduling support between school and students.
  • Have some of the classes during the day when people have off hours in school to avoid transportation logistics.

We talked about our strengths – Creativity we had in common and used it to think of different fun incentives for the students that were tutoring. At one point we had turned it into more of social club with some studying involved. That might have been my Zest. Hannah also had Bravery and Curiosity which helped her think about ways to recruit tutors but also to think about logistics. She also brought up partnering with the administration of the school to identify students who needed help. I would use my Social Intelligence to create a space where everyone is welcomed and accepted.

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